Preschool & Kindergarten Instructional Co-ed Soccer League Sign Up Deadline
Sign up by Today, February 24. Participants are introduced to the fundamentals of the sport while learning how to play the game. Registration includes tee[...]
Sign up by Today, February 24. Participants are introduced to the fundamentals of the sport while learning how to play the game. Registration includes tee[...]
Register by Today, February 26. In-House program play all games in Carol Stream. 1st/2nd Grade - A soccer game tee shirt and participation trophy is[...]
Calling all princes and princesses! Join your favorite princesses for an enchanting time of magic and fun! Enjoy live performances, engaging meet and greets, photo[...]
Register by today, March 10 for a discounted rate of $120R/$140NR. Registration includes uniform. Please use the registration code for the grade your child[...]
Register by Today, March 10. Season includes at least 1 practice per week, a 6 game season against inter-village league teams, and will conclude with[...]
You are invited to check out our new preschool rooms and playground at the Simkus Recreation Center. Meet our teachers and grab a registration packet![...]
Register by today, March 24. Registration includes uniform. Please use the registration code for the grade your child is currently in. Volunteer coaches needed. Preschool[...]
Red Cast Performances: Thursday, March 27 @ 7pm, Saturday, March 29 @ 2pm Purple Cast Performances: Friday, March 28 @ 7pm, Saturday, March 29 @[...]
Celebrate the beginning of spring with our Spring Fling Family Breakfast! Enjoy a seated breakfast, spring crafts, a visit from the Easter Bunny and an[...]
Hunt for eggs under the moonlight at Coyote Crossing. Lots of candy and prizes to find! Bring a flashlight, basket to collect your eggs and[...]
Get ready for a night filled with fun and excitement! Play a game of basketball or volleyball before cooling off in the pool and rounding[...]