Violations of any rule or regulation are subject to the following procedure:
- Verbal Warning – violator informed by staff of the violation
- Second Warning – a written warning issued to the violator
- Third Warning – membership may be revoked
Fitness members should report all specific concerns immediately to the Fitness staff.
Suspension and Cancelation Policy
Membership contracts have a minimum term of 12 months from date of purchase. If a member wishes to terminate their membership prior to end of 12 months, a $75 cancelation fee is required with completed cancelation form, and use of the fitness center is forfeit thereafter. Cancelation forms must be submitted in writing in person or via email ( to Fountain View registration staff a minimum of 5 days prior to the next payment draft. Credits, refunds, and proration are not provided for absences of any kind. All medically-related suspension requests require a doctor’s note. Membership suspension is only available from the date the suspension form and doctor’s note is received; retroactive credits or refunds are not available.