Posted on December 21, 2023
Pictured from left to right: Park District Executive Director Sue Rini, Park District Board Commissioner Tim Powers, State Representative Jennifer Sanalitro, Frank Parisi, Lisa Parisi, Thomas Parisi.
CAROL STREAM: On Wednesday, December 20, 2023, State Representative Jennifer Sanalitro visited the Carol Stream Park District to honor long-time resident Frank Parisi, as “Constituent of the Month” for the Illinois 48TH House District.
The Carol Stream Park District and Executive Director Sue Rini nominated Frank Parisi, a non-elected member of the Carol Stream Parks Foundation, who has made a positive impact in the community over many years. As one of the founding members of the Foundation and former Foundation President, Frank has volunteered his time and service to raise money for the park district youth scholarship fund. Also, as part of his work with the Foundation, he helped raise money to build the Veteran’s Memorial Plaza in Town Center. In his professional career, Frank was the lead architect on designing Fountain View Recreation Center, a building that is becoming one of the focal points of the Carol Stream community.
The “Constituent of the Month” program is organized by Representative Sanalitro to recognize unique and outstanding accomplishments from community members in Illinois’ 48th House District. State Representative Sanalitro presented Parisi with a certificate of award and words of commemoration. Frank was joined by his wife Lisa, and son Thomas. Park Commissioner Tim Powers, and other Park District staff were present to congratulate Frank and thank him for his service. Photos were taken. Find all photos here:
Frank Parisi and State Representative Jennifer Sanalitro
From left to right: Thomas Parisi, Lisa Parisi, Frank Parisi, State Representative Jennifer Sanalitro.