

Fun for Everyone!

Inclusion Services

Community-Based Recreational Programs and Inclusion Services for Park District Programs

The Western DuPage Special Recreation Association is an extension of the Carol Stream Park District and provides year- round recreational programs to individuals of all ages with special needs. Carol Stream Park District partners with the Western DuPage Special Recreation Association (WDSRA) for inclusion services that are designed to provide the least restrictive environment while providing the maximum opportunity to participate in regular Park District programs. WDSRA provides fun, engaging recreational and social programs, trips, and special events for children, teens, and adults with special needs. Programs are structured to allow everyone to participate at their own ability level. Through WDSRA each individual has the opportunity to grow personally, connect with their community and discover their potential. There is no charge for WDSRA’s support. To register for services, simply indicate that special accommodations are needed on the Park District registration form. If you have questions, contact WDSRA at 630-681-0962. Four-week advance notice is required for inclusion support.

No participant or spectator shall, on the basis of race, sex, creed, national origin, or disability, be denied equal access to programs, activities, services or benefits, or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity.

Learn more about WDSRA's Recreational and Social Programs

Equity Statement

Carol Stream Park District provides programs, activities, and facilities without discrimination or segregation on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, veteran status, age, handicap or disability, sexual orientation, or gender.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of a disability. Carol Stream Park District makes reasonable accommodations in recreation programs to enable participation by an individual with a disability that meets essential eligibility requirements for that leisure program and facilities. If you have questions or believe you have been unfairly discriminated against by the Park District, call 630-784-6100. Those who use the Telecommunications Device for the Deaf use 800-526-0844.

Contact ADA Compliance Coordinator

Financial Assistance

We offer financial assistance for qualified Carol Stream Park District resident children and seniors. Confidential applications are available at Fountain View and Simkus Recreation Centers.

ADA Compliance Coordinator

The Carol Stream Park District’s ADA Compliance Coordinator:
Shane Hamilton, Director of Parks & Facilities
630-784-6163; shaneh@csparks.org


Contact ADA Compliance Coordinator

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