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Lunchtime Circuit

Lunchtime Circuit

Be productive on your lunch break! Break up the day with a quick, energetic half-hour circuit-based total body workout!

Step Interval

This class alternates between step cardio and resistance training for a total body workout.

Zumba™ Intense

How intense is Zumba? As intense as you want it to be! Join us for some explosive movement and effective results! Burn roughly 600 calories[…]

Pilates Fusion

Pilates Fusion: Increase flexibility as you flow through a series of dynamic movements for your core and lower back.   Lights weights and other props will[…]

Mat Pilates

Increase flexibility as you flow through a series of dynamic movements for your core and lower back. Mat pilates lengthens and strengthens for a strong,[…]

Circuit Training

A combination of cardio and resistance training using a variety of equipment; weights, resistance bands, indo rowers, and more to provide a full  body workout![…]


A cardio jam session, utilizing weighted Rip Stix for a workout that challenges every muscle group. This workout fuses cardio, pilates, isometrics, plyometric and HIIT[…]

Variable Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity cardio intervals, next medium or low intensity interval with emphasis on strength, last interval low intensity with emphasis on mobility.

Yoga Sculpt

This deep release and restorative approach offers long, meditative holds to open, strengthen and heel the deep connective tissues of the body.

Stretch, Relax, Breathe

Have you been feeling tight, stiff, stressed, or anxious? This class is for you! Focus on key areas to release tension as you stretch all[…]

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