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Intermediate/Advanced Yoga

Intermediate/Advanced Yoga

Take your yoga up a notch! Challenging stretches, poses, and breathing exercises build energy, boost metabolism and reduce stress and tension. Class will end with[…]

Core Fit

Learn how to strengthen your “powerhouse” – your legs, abdominals, arms, hips and back. Improve balance, posture and flexibility. Class will include use of straps,[…]

Zumba Gold®

These invigorating dance-fitness classes provide modified, low-impact moves and easy-to-follow steps for older adults who love a healthy, active lifestyle.

Strictly Strength

Build strength, add definition, increase bone density and decrease body fat by increasing lean muscle.  Use a variety of weight training equipment to change the[…]

Lunch Time Xpress

You only need 45 minutes of this highly effective form of training. Strength, Cardio and Core, all rolled into this efficient class.

Muscle Madness

Burn, sweat, and strengthen in this 30 minute class. Combine calorie-burning drills and muscle confusion with core strengthening commotion exercises that will motivate you to[…]


During this workout, you will learn proper kickboxing technique ranging from rapid footwork all the way to a fully fundamental understanding of how to throw[…]

Bike N Build

Workout that combines Indoor Cycling endurance with strength training exercises.

Cross Training

Are you looking for a combination of heart pumping cardio and strength training? This class is it! Each week the format, instructor and equipment will[…]

Weekend Warrior

This 45m, high intensity circuit style workout will test the limit of your strength, endurance, balance, agility and power. You’ll be put through circuits utilizing[…]

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